A glimpse into why minds wander
San Francisco Chronicle: If you’re the sort who gets distracted by every new, shiny thing, it may be worth your time to read this description of a new UCSF study. In a paper published online last
Does Daydreaming Age You?
Prevention: Do you ever have trouble focusing your attention on—oh look! A new Facebook friend request! Wait, what were we saying? Chances are that—like us—you’re prone to a wandering mind. In fact, mind meandering takes
La lunghezza dei telomeri influenza la nostra attenzione (The length of telomeres influence our attention)
La Stampa: Se la mente si assenta troppo spesso da ciò che accade nel presente e spazia tra pensieri e riflessioni forse è colpa dell’età che avanza. O meglio dell’invecchiamento delle cellule che accorcia la
Wandering Minds Are Associated With Aging Cells
Scientific studies have suggested that a wandering mind is linked with unhappiness, whereas a mind that is present in the moment is linked with well-being. Now, a preliminary study suggests a possible connection between mind
How Changing Visual Cues Can Affect Attitudes About Weight
NPR: With most Americans fat or fatter, you’d think we’d be lightening up on the anti-fat attitudes. Alas, no. Even doctors often think their overweight patients are weak-willed. But changing negative attitudes about body size
Experts say psychological effects of Sandy likely to grow
Chicago Tribune: The devastating winds and catastrophic flooding of Superstorm Sandy may have subsided, but psychological distress from the disaster and its patchy recovery is likely to be growing, trauma experts say. Those most vulnerable