Andres De Los Reyes
University of Maryland College Park https://sites.google.com/site/caipumaryland/Home/people/director What does your research focus on? When assessing patients for mental health concerns, clinicians and researchers often have to take information from multiple sources or informants to make health
Can Our Beliefs About Exercise Make Us Fat?
The Huffington Post: Everyone is an expert when it comes to weight and weight control, and I’m no exception. I am what’s known as an “exercise theorist.” That is, I ascribe to the lay theory
A. Janet Tomiyama
University of California, Los Angeles www.dishlab.org What does your research focus on? Eating is the thread that ties all of my research together. I study the way we eat (whether that’s overeating in response to
Kate Sweeny
University of California, Riverside http://faculty.ucr.edu/~ksweeny What does your research focus on? I have two primary lines of research, both of which address the question of how people manage difficult life events. My first line of
Kristin Schneider
United States Department of Defense www.linkedin.com/pub/kristin-schneider/21/933/b9a What does your research focus on? I conduct population-level longitudinal mental and behavioral health research studies for the United States Air Force. The focus of my research is on
Karen M. Rodrigue
The University of Texas at Dallas http://vitallongevity.utdallas.edu/directory/view/category/faculty/karen-rodrigue What does your research focus on? My research focuses on how age-related changes in the brain relate to the cognitive decline that we observe over the lifespan in