Is There an Ideal Number of Health Messages to Prompt New Habits?
Intending to follow through with health recommendations may depend on how many suggestions your doctor gives.
Our obsession with mindfulness is based on limited scientific evidence
Mindfulness practices are promoted at major corporations like Google, offered as psychotherapy via the National Health Service in the UK, taught to about 6,000 school children in London, and widely studied across sub-disciplines of psychological
Biology Beats Calories in Matters of Weight
Calorie intake and energy expenditure do not explain body weight to the extent that scientists once thought.
Where’s the Proof That Mindfulness Meditation Works?
Scientific American: The concept of mindfulness involves focusing on your present situation and state of mind. This can mean awareness of your surroundings, emotions and breathing—or, more simply, enjoying each bite of a really good
Mindfulness and Meditation Need More Rigorous Study, Less Hype
The spread of mindfulness and meditation as wellness tools outpaces scientific evidence, a team of researchers concludes.
Declaration of Interdependence: Hazel R. Markus Discusses the Science of Interconnection
APS William James Fellow Hazel R. Markus shares research revealing subsets of American culture that prioritize relationships over self-determination.