How Devoted Moms Buffer Kids In Poverty
Children raised in poverty often grow up to have poor health in adulthood, from frequent colds to heart disease. But there’s one thing that might buffer them from that fate: a good mom. That is
Evitar los cambios bruscos de temperatura y seguir hábitos saludables es clave para prevenir catarros otoñales
Qué: En septiembre comienzan a bajar las temperaturas por lo que los expertos recomiendan evitar corrientes de aire y empezar a protegerse del frío por las mañanas y por las noches para esquivar los catarros
Can Our Immune Systems Tell Us Who’s Sick?
Discovery News: The placebo effect relies on the mind’s ability to influence the body, but does the same work in reverse? For instance, after being sick, can the body’s immune system subconsciously tell us who’s
Sick Body, Vigilant Mind
We know that in keeping the body physically healthy, the mind both conscious and unconscious is a principle actor. Indeed, research has shown that the biological, or physiological, immune system that fights pathogens once they’ve
Getting Doctors to Wash Their Hands
The New York Times: A new study has a message for doctors and nurses who fail to wash their hands: Don’t think about yourself. Think about your patients. Getting health care professionals to comply with
Daily check up: Handwashing, a sympathetic act
The Boston Globe: A study in Psychological Science suggests that, to get doctors to wash their hands more regularly, hospitals could appeal to their sympathies, changing the message from “wash your hands to protect yourself”