Keynote Address: Stress and Health Across the Lifespan
As Shelley Taylor tells it, it was twenty years ago when a colleague knocked on her office door and said she absolutely must join this new psychological society if she wanted to be taken seriously Visit Page
A Little Anxiety Pays Sometimes, Study Shows
Anxiety gets a lot of bad press. Dwelling on the negative can lead to chronic stress and anxiety disorders and phobias, but evolutionarily speaking, anxiety holds some functional value. In humans, learning to avoid harm Visit Page
Worry too Much? You may Die Young.
There is broad consensus today that personality traits are best described by the “Big Five”: Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. Each of these broad measures can be broken down into smaller Visit Page
Social Stress and Support Factors in Susceptibility to the Common Cold
The common cold: that bugbear of medical mischief. It infects everyone from time to time, irritating us and making us less productive, as if to say “for all your knowledge, for all your technology, you’re Visit Page