Want to Feel Healthier and Happier? Cut Back on Lying
GOOD: The costs of lying extend beyond burning pants. According to new research led by Anita Kelly, a psychologist at the University of Notre Dame who studies secrecy, self-disclosure, and self-presentation, telling lies—both little “white
The Biological Response to Beauty and Ugliness in Art [Excerpt]
Scientific American: Our attraction to faces, and particularly to eyes, appears to be innately determined. Infants as well as adults prefer to look at eyes rather than other features of a person’s face, and both
L’ozio rende tristi (Idleness saddened)
La Stampa: Chissà cosa direbbe Bertrand Russell, l’autore della raccolta di saggi intitolata “Elogio dell’ozio” sapendo che chi si trastulla nel dolce far nulla in realtà è più triste di chi invece s’impegna in una
Express UK: Thinking of being generous encourages people to be more helpful – while contemplating gifts received makes us feel more dependent and enslaved. Dr Adam Grant, of Pennsylvania University, and Jane Dutton, of Michigan
Conservatism makes you happy
Salon: In general, political conservatives haven’t been very pleased with a slew of scientific attempts — sometimes dating back well over a decade — to psychoanalyze their beliefs and behavior. Indeed, some on the right
Why old people are more happy: They have learnt to avert their eyes from things likely to bring them down
The Daily Mail: Older people are happier than younger adults because, simply, they avert their eyes from things that are likely to make them upset, research shows. The finding explains research that has shown that