Le pouvoir rend heureux (power makes them happy)
Le Monde: La solitude de la fonction, la lourdeur de la charge, les renoncements qu’elle implique sont invoqués pour justifier les émoluments conséquents de certains dirigeants. Pas du plus grand nombre, qui gagnait en moyenne
Does Having Children Make You Happier?
NPR: There’s been a debate raging in academic circles for years. Does having children really make one happier? Most parents say their kids absolutely make them happy, but some researchers have come to question that.
Dans la vie active et en période de crise, évitons les “pseudo-amis” (In life and in times of crisis, avoid the “pseudo-friends”)
Le Monde: L’émergence des réseaux sociaux virtuels, tels Facebook, LinkedIn, Viadeo ou Twitter, a tendance à imposer l’idée que le nombre de ses amis, contacts, “followers”, est un gage de qualité personnelle. Un “sans amis”
6 Secrets Of Powerful People
Prevention: Powerful people are happier because they feel more authentic, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science. To reach that conclusion, investigators conducted online surveys in both the US and Israel.
The Best Day to List a Home Is…
The Wall Street Journal: T.G.I.F. One day of the week can mean an extra $5,000 in a home-seller’s pocket. … What makes Fridays so special (other than a six-pack and takeout pizza)? Adults who have
The Upside of Power
The Wall Street Journal: We’ve all heard about the loneliness and corruptions of power, but two new academic works suggest that maybe it isn’t really so bad. First, psychologists at UC Berkeley found that people