This One Simple Trick Can Make Your New Year’s Resolution More Likely to Stick
Want to replace your television habit with exercise? “I want to start running” could work better than “I want to quit watching TV so much.” How we phrase our New Year’s resolution could give us
This Year, Try Downsizing Your Resolutions
After the unpredictable, torrid year we’ve had, the idea of making New Year’s resolutions for 2021 might seem a tad overwhelming. … Just because it’s the first of January doesn’t mean you will automatically feel
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on the distinction between remembering and knowing, gender and social cognition, racial inequality in research, responses to bodily postures, goal-driven behavior, and the menstrual cycle and evolution.
Scientists Identify a Personality Feature That Could Predict How Often You Exercise
Individuals who make concrete plans to meet their goals may engage in more physical activity, including visits to the gym, compared to those who don’t plan quite so far ahead, research shows.
Is It Healthy to Use Food as a Reward?
Hi, Dan. I have final exams coming up, and I’m trying to get motivated by giving myself rewards for studying. But all the rewards I can think of involve sweets or fried foods, which will
Step back to move forward: Setting new priorities in the new year
Happy New Year! As you recover from the festivities and get ready to turn toward your work for 2019 and beyond, this is a great time to take a step back from the day-to-day and