Feeling Stuck? Here Are 5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Life.
From the outside, it looked as though Adam Alter was gliding along. At 28, he had earned a doctorate in psychology from Princeton and soon afterward landed a job as a tenure-track professor at the Visit Page
Why February Is the Best Month for Resolutions
It might be the dreariest month of the year, but there are at least two things going for February: It’s short, and it’s not January. February brings a reprieve from the pressures that come with Visit Page
New Year’s Resolutions for the Anxious
The start of the new year often brings lofty ambitions. It’s 2024 — time to exercise and eat better, says a nagging voice, somewhere deep in your brain. What about learning to knit? It’s enough to Visit Page
The New Science on Making Healthy Habits Stick
Any healthy choice seems doable for a day. Building consistent good habits around exercise, sleep and nutrition in the long term is harder. Recent research is uncovering how long it takes to cement different kinds of habits—and gives Visit Page
Trouble Achieving Goals? Why Your Brain Needs Reminders.
Many of us set goals, but sometimes we fail to achieve them. There is a way, though, to increase our chances of hitting our goals: Set reminders. “It’s quite hard to achieve our goals,” said Sam Visit Page
In Search of an Attainable New Year’s Resolution
It’s that time of year again — when seemingly every advertisement, social media post, or well-meaning loved one is quick to remind you how you’re due for a refresh, a restart, a rebrand. Self-improvement is difficult any Visit Page