Communicating Psychological Science: Global Threat Without a Global Consensus
Özge Gürcanlı Fischer-Baum discusses the need for supportive policies to elevate the power of science and to educate the public about climate change.
How Climate Shaped Our Minds—and How It Might Still Save Us from Climate Change
Over generations, cultures including those in Yazd, Iran, develop customs, habits, and values that are adapted to water scarcity.
Unleashing the Power of Emotional Responses for Pro-Environmental Action
Engaging in pro-environmental behavior can trigger spillover effects, creating a ripple of positive changes in individuals and their communities.
Scientific Storytelling for the Current Climate
Achieving almost any of the world’s major climate interventions will require collective action. Stories are among the most universal, scalable approaches to convincing others to embrace these collective efforts.
Up-and-Coming Voices: Behavior and Climate
Four researchers share their research related to behavior and climate.
Back Page: Bringing Climate Change Home
Norman D Henderson Professor of Psychology and Environmental Studies at Oberlin College Cindy Frantz discusses her research into humans’ relationship with the natural world, promoting sustainability, and developing strategies that can help generate support to addressing climate change.