The Joy of Giving Lasts Longer Than the Joy of Getting
The happiness we feel after a particular event diminishes each time we experience it, but giving to others may be the exception to the rule.
The case for buying kids audiobooks this holiday season
Giving kids books as presents always feels good. It might not elicit the joy that a new gadget might, but there is comfort to knowing that what you are giving is unambiguously good for them
The science of giving gifts your loved ones won’t want to return
Trying to find an ideal gift for a friend or family member, or at least something that won’t end up in the trash, is a perennial source of pre-holiday anxiety. As it happens, behavioral science
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring advice giving and motivation, mechanisms underlying face and expression processing impairments in autism, and visual perception in peripersonal space.
People Pick Gifts That Will “Wow” Rather Than Satisfy Recipients
Gift givers tend to focus on the “big reveal,” choosing the gift that will surprise and delight the recipient in the moment over the one that will bring long-term satisfaction.
How Reciprocity Can Magnify Inequality
A series of studies show that people tend to reciprocate others’ actions in ways that increase disparities in wealth.