The Effect of Parental Education on the Heritability of Children’s Reading Disability
A twin study suggests a significant interaction between parents’ years of education and the heritability of reading disability. Visit Page
Children’s math and reading skills are linked to genetics
Why do children differ in their ability to read, to use language, or to understand mathematics? Decades of research makes is clear that genetics play a surprisingly large part in both learning abilities and learning Visit Page
Romance, Schmomance: Natural Selection Continues Even After Sex
Some breaking news, just in time for Valentine’s Day: Researchers have identified something called “sperm competition” that they think has evolved to ensure a genetic future. In sexual reproduction, natural selection is generally thought of Visit Page
Nice Pair of Genes A study of twins by APS Fellow and Charter Member J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario, suggests that genes may have much more of an effect on social attitudes — Visit Page
Expressing Genetic Information
Last April, scientists announced the completion, with greater than 99.99 percent accuracy, of the Human Genome Project, the culmination of a publicly funded, 13-year international effort to sequence the three billion DNA letters contained in Visit Page
Genes and Behavior Focus of King’s College Centre
The nature-nurture wars are over, and both sides won. A few minutes of conversation with Robert Plomin is enough to understand how pointless it is to engage in any further debate over which is more Visit Page