Entitled at the Top: Are Leaders More Selfish Than the Rest of Us?
Leaders’ propensity for generosity seems to depend on whether they feel like they’ve earned their high-status position, according to new research conducted by psychological scientists Nicholas Hays (Michigan State University) and Steven Blader (New York Visit Page
Is Generosity Contagious?
Pacific Standard: As we have seen again over the past week, tragedy can sometimes bring out the best in people, inspiring them to donate their time and money. But why do certain occasions become catalysts Visit Page
Put Down the Broom: Tidying Up Can Hamper Creativity
Wired: IF CLUTTER DRIVES you nuts, you’re in good company. There’s been a burst of excitement recently about neatness, propelled by The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo’s best-selling guide that urges us Visit Page
Handling Money Decreases Helpful Behavior Among Young Children
Pacific Standard: What does a $20 bill represent to a four-year-old child? Magic, presumably. Mommy or daddy takes this flimsy piece of green paper out of their wallet, and suddenly they have a new toy! Visit Page
Want to do something good for your health? Try being generous.
The Washington Post: Every day, we are confronted with choices about how to spend our money. Whether it’s thinking about picking up the tab at a group lunch or when a charity calls asking for Visit Page
Give, if You Know What’s Good for You
The New York Times: Vancouver, British Columbia — IN the classic children’s story “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!,” when the Grinch discovered the true spirit of the holiday, his “small heart grew three sizes that Visit Page