New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on learning-induced plasticity, whether risky drinking is also characterized by stimulus generalization, comprehensive social trait judgments, self-esteem, and much more. Visit Page
How Gratitude Improves Your Relationships and Your Future
For the millions of Americans that celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s a time when a lot of us reflect on the things and the people in our lives that we appreciate. But according to Dr. Laurie Santos Visit Page
A Psychologist Explains Why TikTok’s ‘Blessing Strangers’ Trend Is So Popular
Social media influencers are often criticized for their content, which can be perceived as shallow, self-centered or, in some cases, even harmful. But there is an well-established trend among certain influencers to create content that Visit Page
Want to Raise Kind, Generous Kids? Take Them to an Art Museum
Entrepreneur parents work long hours building their companies to provide materially for their families and make sure they can offer their kids the best start in life. But most would probably agree that the monetary side Visit Page
A Spirit of Gratitude Is Healthy for Society
Greetings as we approach the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving celebration. The Pilgrims in 1621 had much to be thankful for. They had arrived a year earlier with “no friends to wellcome them, nor Visit Page
Mindfulness Meditation can Make Some Americans More Selfish and Less Generous
When Japanese chef Yoshihiro Murata travels, he brings water with him from Japan. He says this is the only way to make truly authentic dashi, the flavorful broth essential to Japanese cuisine. There’s science to back him Visit Page