5th FPR-UCLA Interdisciplinary Conference
The 5th FPR-UCLA Interdisciplinary Conference will be held October 19-20, 2012 at UCLA. The theme will be Culture, Mind, and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Methods, Applications. For more information visit: http://www.thefpr.org/conference2012/index.php
Rigor Without Rigor Mortis: The APS Board Discusses Research Integrity
Please excuse this further sidetrack from the road we were on in my previous columns. Two months ago, the column I had planned was displaced by a response to the considerable attention that various media
Why I Became An Administrator… And Why You Might Become One Too
Perhaps no field lends itself to application in and to a university setting the way psychological science does. Becoming an administrator is a wonderful way for psychological science to positively touch the lives of many
How I Spent My Summer Vacation: Testifying Before the US Congress
This adventure began with an email I nearly deleted as spam. In 2007, Heather Kelly from APA asked to help gather evidence to fight an amendment to the National Science Foundation (NSF) authorization act that
Has Google replaced the brain? Psychological scientists are decoding how technology has reprogrammed our minds.
More Than Just a Grade
After reading Mahzarin Banaji’s (2011) article in the Observer calling APS members to action, I was sold on using the APS Wikipedia Initiative (APSWI) as a classroom tool. It was just a matter of waiting