Bien interpréter un sourire féminin
Le Figaro: D’après une étude, les hommes cherchant une aventure rapide sont plus enclins que les autres à surestimer l’attirance des femmes pour eux. Elle m’a souri… Ce doit être une invite pour l’aborder! Aller
Sexual Cues: All It Takes Is A Smile?
Huffington Post: This just in: According to a study by WIlliams College psychologist Carin Perrilloux — the results of which will be published in a forthcoming issue of Psychological Science — men really aren’t on to
For ugly Don Juans, false confidence aids when looks are lacking
The Vancouver Sun: When it comes to sex, a new study finds that fortune favours the bold — and the clueless. Reporting in the journal Psychological Science, researchers say men who falsely presume women’s sexual
Men Often Misread Women’s Sexual Cues: Study
U.S. News & World Report: Men often have difficulty accurately reading a woman’s level of interest in them, a new study finds. In what should come as no surprise to any woman who’s spent time
Män har uppblåsta egon
Sveriges Television: De signaler vi ger varandra när vi flörtar kan vara svårtolkade. Speciellt män läser ofta kvinnors signaler fel. I studien fick 96 manliga och 103 kvinnliga studenter gå på snabbdejt med varandra. De
Why ugly men believe pretty women are interested in them
Evening Herald: SOME men can get by on a wink and a smile — but those with less chiselled features make up for it with misguided optimism about their own appearance. The study could help