Three Trouble Spots Facing Women in Science—and How We Can Tackle Them
APS Member/Author: Leah H. Somerville Women are pursuing careers in science at rates never seen before, and this growing representation of female voices is truly exciting. Yet we are well aware that the academic community Visit Page
Research Briefs
Recent research highlights from APS journals. Visit Page
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on women in psychological science, behavior regulation, political slant of research, culture in the study of brain and development, updating beliefs and mental health, and the science of virtue. Visit Page
Persistent Problems and Modest Successes: First-ever Review of Gender Parity Within Psychological Science
Gender gaps for women in psychological science are closing, yet some remain, and more work is needed. Visit Page
Power Shortage
Giving speeches was not usually a problem for me, but a lot was riding on this one, and I had a genuine case of nerves as I took the stage. Before me were 1,500 delegates, mainly Visit Page
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on the distinction between remembering and knowing, gender and social cognition, racial inequality in research, responses to bodily postures, goal-driven behavior, and the menstrual cycle and evolution. Visit Page