Learning The Look of Love: That Sly ‘Come Hither’ Stare
Scientific American: While it might not be witchcraft, the formula for ‘love at first sight’ remains a mystery. However, if you pop the following ingredients into a kettle: large pupils, long glances, and a lovely
Allô Maman, j’ovule !
Slate France: Savez-vous ce qu’est l’œstrus ? Il s’agit de ce qu’on appelle communément les “chaleurs” chez les femelles des mammifères, une période d’attractivité sexuelle indiquant qu’elles sont prêtes à être fécondées. On a longtemps
Women, Men and the Bedroom
In the racy television hit show, Sex and the City, Carrie, one of the main characters tells her best girlfriends that “Men who are too good looking are never good in bed because they never
Single-Sex Education Is Assailed in Report
The New York Times: Single-sex education is ineffective, misguided and may actually increase gender stereotyping, a paper to be published Friday asserts. The report, “The Pseudoscience of Single Sex Schooling,” to be published in Science
Study: Single-sex education may do more harm than good
The Washington Post: The push for more single-sex instruction in public schools is based on weak, “misconstrued” scientific claims rather than solid research and may do more harm than good, according to a study published
Sorry, But I’m Not
Hartford Courant: Gina, on behalf of all girls, you have a lot to apologize for. And you’ll be good at it, because that’s one of the things that girls do best. It’s been confirmed. A