Fremdsprachiges Denken ist vernünftiger (Thinking in a foreign language is rational)
ORF Austria: Der Ton macht bekanntlich die Musik – und nicht nur dieser: Wie der israelisch-amerikanische Psychologe Daniel Kahneman in den 1980er Jahren herausgefunden hat, können selbst staubtrocken formulierte Botschaften völlig unterschiedliche Wirkungen haben. Ob
Reduce Dumb Decisions by Thinking in a Foreign Language
ABC News: Forget about dropping that Korean or Spanish or Japanese lesson, and not just because sticking with it might make it easier to navigate a polyglot world. It can pay off in other ways
The Benefits of Being Bilingual
Wired: Samuel Beckett, born in a suburb of Dublin in 1906, was a native English speaker. However, in 1946 Beckett decided that he would begin writing exclusively in French. After composing the first draft in
Oprima dos for better cognition
The Economist: MANY people report feeling like different people when they speak a foreign language. I’ve been sceptical of these claims, since many of them seem to line up too neatly with national stereotypes: “I
Think in a foreign language for better work decisions
Today: Forget about business school. If you want to improve your business acumen, the best route may be to study a foreign language. University of Chicago researchers have found that people make more rational decisions
Speaking Your Mind
In much of the world, speaking multiple languages is the norm. Virtually everyone in the Netherlands and Norway speaks passable English, and it’s possible to travel, or even get a doctorate, in many European countries