Keep a One-Sentence Journal, Be Happier
New York Magazine: Ever since I can remember, my grandma has kept a daily journal. Not a “Dear Diary,” emotion-filled journal — just a couple of lines jotting down what she did that day and
The Value of Remembering Ordinary Moments
The Atlantic: At Christmastime, my brother, my father, and our chocolate Labrador pile into the car to drive across the state of Washington to see my grandparents. We’ve been doing it since I was born.
Give Yourself a Present for the Future
Pacific Standard Don’t feel like you have the time to keep a diary or bury a time capsule? You might be missing out, according to psychologists at Harvard Business School: The joy of rediscovering something even
You’re Expecting the Wrong Things to Make You Happy
Inc.: If you want to take a selfie to record a happy moment, you’ll probably reach for your phone at that awesome concert you’ve been dying to see or on a memorable night out with an
Sich an Alltägliches erinnern macht Freude (Remember everday is fun)
ORF Austria: Von den vielen Dingen, die wir tagtäglich erleben, ziehen die meisten einfach vorbei: die Vorbereitung des Frühstücks, der Weg zur Arbeit, der Tratsch mit den Kollegen, usw. Nur besondere Erlebnisse werden in der
Don’t just photograph life’s highlights, study suggests
The Boston Globe: We assiduously document life’s obvious highlights: Our cellphones are filled with photos of the first day of school, graduations, weddings, and birthdays. A new study by a team of Harvard Business School