Myth: Too Much Sugar Causes Hyperactivity in Children
Exploring the realities behind the effects of sugar illustrate many psychological concepts, including hunger, evolution, and psychopathology.
Hungry, Hungry Hippocampus: Why and How We Eat
Anyone who’s tried (and failed) to follow a diet knows that food is more than fuel. The reasons we eat are even embedded in our language. When we’re in an unfamiliar place, we yearn for
Graphic Warning Labels Linked to Reduced Sugary Drink Purchases
Warning labels that include photos linking sugary drink consumption with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay may reduce purchases of the drinks, a field study shows.
Buying organic makes you selfish, research shows — this explains the Whole Foods parking lot
Last week, a couple in Chapel Hill, N.C., got married in a Whole Foods Market. The newlyweds, Ross and Jacqueline Aronson, described it as the culmination of a dream romance that blossomed during arm-in-arm walks
Food for Thought: Was Cooking a Pivotal Step in Human Evolution?
The shift to a cooked-food diet was a decisive point in human history. The main topic of debate is when, exactly, this change occurred. All known human societies eat cooked foods, and biologists generally agree
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research articles exploring the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying math achievement, genetic and environmental links with divorce, developmental pathways to literacy, and the temporal dynamics of food choices.