How a Light Lunch Could Help You Lose Weight
LiveScience: When we skimp on a meal, we usually end up feeling deprived, ultimately making up for it later by eating a little more — sometimes a lot more. But a new study shows that
The palate’s Prozac
Brisbane Times: When the recession hit (the first time around), you could hear the words buzzing from the mobile phone of every restaurant consultant around the world: “It’s time for comfort food.” But behind the
Could a sandwich stay fresh for years?
The Globe and Mail: “Not sure if you can face eating that train sandwich?” asks The Sunday Times of London. “Soon you might be able to drop it in your briefcase and keep it for
Vitamins give people ‘licence to indulge’
The Telegraph: People are more likely to reward themselves with an unhealthy treat after taking supplements, the study by academics in Taiwan found. It showed the effects of self medicating with a dietary supplement are
Influence Your Child’s Palate Before Birth
ABC News: Want to instill in your child a love of vegetables? Start early. Very early. New research by the Monell Chemical Senses Center finds mothers can influence a baby’s palate and food memories before
Picky Palates
The New York Times: Q. Why am I such a fussy eater? Does each person have a distinct set of taste buds, or is my fussiness just in my head? A. Differences in taste buds