Sportfans: Fett durch Niederlagen? (Sportsfans: compensate the loss with a fat frustration menu)
ORF Austria: “Panem et circenses”, Brot und Spiele halten die Massen bekanntlich gewogen. Die Spiele sind heute ein bisserl anders als damals, statt mit dem Kurzschwert kämpfen die Gladiatoren der Gegenwart nun um einen Ball.
Fans of Losing Teams Are Less Healthy
Discovery News: Find yourself heading to the fridge after your favorite NFL team suffers an overtime defeat to a rival? You’re not alone: Researchers found that fans in cities whose teams had lost games on
For Disappointed Sports Fans, Defeats Increase Consumption of Fat and Sugar
On the Monday following a big football game, fans of the losing team seem to load up on saturated fats and sugars, whereas supporters of the winning team opt for healthier foods.
When it comes to weight loss, bad habits die hard
Los Angeles Times: On a recent doctor’s visit, a compelling health video was looping in the reception room. It incorporated many of the accepted rules for achieving a healthy weight. The motivational video, tailored to
Rituals Make Our Food More Flavorful
The New York Times: Do you always fold a New York slice in all its oily glory? Is a whole lobster best relished in this order: legs, claws then succulent tail? Do you eat Oreos
The surprising case for the value menu: it’s probably not as fattening
The Washington Post: If you’re trying to watch calories while keeping your meal under $5 at a fast-food restaurant, sticking to the value menu might not be a bad idea. Fast-food chains such as McDonald’s