What Determines A Company’s Performance? The Shape Of The CEO’s Face!
Believe it or not, one thing that predicts how well a CEO’s company performs is – the width of his face! CEOs with wider faces, like Herb Kelleher, the former CEO of Southwest Airlines, have
Economic Inequality Is Linked To Biased Self-Perception
Pretty much everybody thinks they’re better than average. But in some cultures, people are more self-aggrandizing than in others. Until now, national differences in “self-enhancement” have been chalked up to an East-West individualism-versus-collectivism divide. In
La ricerca che boccia i ricchi “Più egoisti e insensibili”
La Repubblica Italia: Egoista, insensibile e incredibilmente avaro, l’Arpagone di Molière non avrebbe avuto nessun problema ad ammettere che i ricchi sono diversi dai poveri, e che l’abisso che separa le due categorie non sta
The Myth of Joyful Parenthood
Scientific American: Sure, the soccer uniforms, piano lessons and college tuition add up—but there is nothing like being a parent. Or so we tell ourselves, according to a study in the February issue of Psychological
Nice Guys Can Finish First
Men’s Health: Psychologists have discovered that men tend to be more generous with their money when we’re in the presence of attractive women. But flaunting your wealth isn’t the only way to impress the girl of
Money can’t buy generosity, study finds
Calgary Herald: Turns out the rich really are different. But not necessarily in the ways we assume. Though economically privileged, people from upper-class backgrounds consistently display deficits in empathy, social engagement, generosity and sensitivity as