Rx for happiness: Tax the rich?
msn: Discussions about taxes tend to cause otherwise reasonable people to go from zero to apoplexy in 3.5 seconds. So I groaned inwardly when my editor suggested I write about a study of 54 countries
How to Get the Rich to Share the Marbles
The New York Times: Suppose scientists discovered a clump of neurons in the brain that, when stimulated, turned people into egalitarians. This would be good news for Democratic strategists and speechwriters, who could now get
The Secret To Memorable Vacations: Keep ‘Em Short And End ‘Em Sweet
TIME: In an earlier post we described research showing that people get more long-lasting satisfaction from money spent on experiences than money spent on material goods. If you read that post and took it to
Valentine’s Day shoppers spending more this year
USA Today: Cupid wants your money, and he’ll get more of it than ever this Valentine’s Day. John Smith of Alexandria, Va., plans on dropping about $400 treating his wife to flowers, jewelry and dinner.
Why Amazon Prime is the wave of retail’s future
msnbc: Anybody who knows me knows that I am a proud member of the Amazon Prime Cult. I only clean my house with products I can order through Amazon.com’s Prime service. In December, I chose
Study: Income inequality may boost your ego
The Washington Post: A new study finds that countries with more income inequality tend to have more people who believe that they are better than average — a psychological phenomenon known as “self-enhancement.” The study