Paving the Way to Loan Repayment
Student-loan balances are ballooning, and many borrowers struggle to keep pace with their loan payments. Loan repayment plans that are tied to borrowers’ current incomes can make repayment more manageable, but borrowers have to know
Extraverted Populations Have Lower Savings Rates
Particular personality traits may have a powerful influence on a country’s economic outlook, according to new research. Across three studies, University of Toronto psychological scientist Jacob Hirsh found that populations that tend to have higher
Microlending Success Starts with a Smile
The economist Muhammad Yunus was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 in recognition for his pioneering work in microlending – making small loans available to people living in poverty. Yunus believed that entrepreneurs in
Credit Screenings Lead to Unfair Hiring
Checking up on a job applicant’s financial history has become a common practice in hiring — even for service industry jobs like serving frozen yogurt or driving a delivery truck. Employers might assume that a
Chatting Before Negotiations Benefits Men More Than Women
Psychological scientists find that a bit of schmoozing may help men—but not women—walk away from a negotiation with a better deal, as well as better long-term business relationships.
How the Poor Make Better Financial Decisions Than the Wealthy
Slate: People often assume that the poor are less competent than the wealthy. Some even suggest that the poor have flawed values or ways of thinking. But my colleagues and I have recently found that