Making Sense of Moral Hypocrisy
Everyone wants to believe they have an unshakeable moral compass, but our perception of morality is often guided by thoughts and theories that reinforce existing biases.
Unconventional Data Sources Fuel Research Innovations
Researchers are finding new benefits and reserves of participants by accessing data from unconventional sources. These sources can provide much larger and more diverse information than many traditional data sources, but they also come with caveats and ethical standards to be used effectively.
How Wearable Device Data Can Fuel Digital Interventions
Researchers are using data from wearable devices to deliver digital interventions when people need them most.
Join APS in Celebrating the 2024 APSSC Poster Award Winners
Researchers reflect on their award-winning posters featured at the APS 2024 Annual Convention.
Crowding Out Falsehoods
Psychological scientists are harnessing the biases and expertise of imperfect individuals to enhance the wisdom of crowds.
The Oldest Living Land Animal Teaches a Master Class in Pavlovian Conditioning
Longevity is not the only reason why we should find Jonathan the tortoise to be of special interest. He’s confirming what Pavlov said about conditioning a century ago: It isn’t just about salivation!