How Science Can Reward Cooperation, Not Just Individual Achievement
Two social scientists propose a different approach to scientific recognition and rewards: shifting the focus away from individual scientists and toward the larger groups in which scientists are embedded.
Careers Up Close: Rohan Palmer on Genetics and Substance Use
This Emory University psychological scientist is engaged in cutting-edge research on the genetic and environmental factors that leave some people vulnerable to substance dependency.
Exploring Tech Jobs as Psychological Scientists
In this guest column, APS William James Fellow recipient James W. Pennebaker, a renowned academic and software entrepreneur, shares useful advice on pursuing careers in the technology sector.
Chemical Communication is Nothing to Sniff At
Research is uncovering just how much our noses know about our social environments.
Substance-Use Stigma Impedes Treatment in Various Ways, Scientists Say
Addiction is one of society’s most misunderstood and rebuked health conditions. That stigma discourages many people from seeking treatment for substance dependence, according to a new report published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest.
Teaching: Wearable Cognitive Assistants
Learn how research on augmented reality glasses, virtual reality headsets and other advanced devices can be incorporated into classroom instruction.