Understanding the Mechanisms Behind Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
A new paper in Clinical Psychological Science highlights virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) as an effective option and explores how it may work. Visit Page
Exposure Therapy Challenges Patient Expectations
Exposure therapy can help patients conquer their fears, but it isn’t effective for everyone. Researchers are exploring how this powerful intervention works and how it could benefit a wider range of patients. Visit Page
How Acceptance Can Help With ATAR Anxiety as School Leavers Wait for Results
With exams over and schoolies celebrations wrapping up, the countdown is on for year 12s to find out how they performed — and whether they’ll get into their dream university courses. Students will receive their Visit Page
Why Humans Cry
… Why some people cry more than others Much of that difference is likely to be the result of societal pressures and gender norms, experts say. Consider the fact that little boys and girls cry Visit Page
New ‘Unconscious’ Therapies Could Help Treat Phobias
If you’re terrified of spiders, a psychiatrist might suggest facing your fears through seeing pictures or getting close to the real thing—not just one time but over and over. For someone with arachnophobia, this sounds Visit Page
The Crybaby Olympics
Sports have always had sore losers. But based on this year’s Games, athletes seem to be getting worse at losing well. … It’s not just in our head. In a 2017 survey of referees in Visit Page