How do siblings shape your personality?
The Boston Globe: Research has long established that parents play an integral role in shaping our personalities, but scientists are now finding that our siblings may contribute just as much, or perhaps even more. In
Treatment for Aggression and Antisocial Child Behavior
Aggressive and antisocial behavior (e.g., fighting, destroying property, stealing) among children and adolescents comprise one of the most expensive mental health problems in the United States and the most frequent basis of referral to clinical
Entscheidungsfreiheit macht unfrei
ORF Austria: Wie in kaum einem anderen Land ist in den USA der Glaube verbreitet, dass man selbst des Glückes Schmied ist. Das gilt auch für Amerikanerinnen, die mittlerweile mehrheitlich davon überzeugt sind, dass sie
Is He Gay? Ovulating Women Can Tell
TIME Healthland: Ovulation is a really useful biological function. Not only does it facilitate pregnancy — though sperm are in no short supply, the ephemeral egg appears just once a month — but new research
L’affetto dei nonni allunga la vita ai nipotini
Salute 24: Avere i nonni accanto fa vivere di più i nipoti: nelle famiglie in cui sono presenti più generazioni, infatti, anche in situazioni difficili la possibilità di sopravvivenza dei più piccoli è maggiore. È
Caregivers of mentally ill carry heavy burden
The Montreal Gazette: Having a brother with schizophrenia has defined Ellen’s life. When she’s not feeling guilty for having a normal life, she is using all of her time, energy and emotion to cope with