What Makes a Face Appealing to the Opposite Sex?
Bloomberg: While it may be true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a new computer model helps reveal what’s behind peoples’ ideas of facial attractiveness. Many studies have concluded that people are
I Like Your Face—but why? A New Computer Model Pinpoints the Reasons
Whether you’re dating, job seeking, or running for office, an attractive face can get you far. But what makes a face attractive? Most studies have found we’re drawn to “average” faces, as well as those
Angry Faces: Research Suggests Link Between Facial Structure and Aggression
Angry words and gestures are not the only way to get a sense of how temperamental a person is. According to new findings in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, a
Smile As You Read This: Language That Puts You in Touch With Your Bodily Feelings
Louis Armstrong sang, “When you’re smilin’, the whole world smiles with you.” Romantics everywhere may be surprised to learn that psychological research has proven this sentiment to be true — merely seeing a smile (or
Prejudice Affects Perception of Ethnic Minority Faces
Prejudice can be a powerful influence, influencing what people believe the faces of members belonging to specific ethnic minority groups look like.
The Nose Knows: Two Fixation Points Needed for Face Recognition
Many of us are bad at remembering names but we are very quick to point out that at least we never forget a face. Never mind recognizing a familiar face- how is it that we