Looking Leadership in the Face
An emerging body of research on face perception suggests that getting to the top of the corporate ladder may depend, at least in part, on the structure of a person’s face.
Measuring Our Changing First Impressions
People make rapid judgments about the characteristics of others based on their facial expressions. Although these first impressions may seem superficial, they have been found to predict legal, political, and financial outcomes. Research suggests that
Familiar Faces Look Happier Than Unfamiliar Ones
People tend to perceive faces they are familiar with as looking happier than unfamiliar faces, even when the faces express the same emotion to the same degree.
Science Shows How Faces Guide, and Reflect, Our Social Lives
A special issue of Current Directions in Psychological Science illuminates the myriad ways in which face perception infuses our thinking and behavior.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the role of meaning in semantic priming, the two-body inversion effect, and abstract-concept learning in several animal species.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring whether a single-nucleotide polymorphism on the oxytocin receptor gene is linked with face recognition and how people map spatial relations when they take another person’s perspective.