New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Capacity for Visual Features in Mental Rotation Yangqing Xu and Steven L. Franconeri Despite researchers’ interest in mental rotation — the ability of people to rotate the Visit Page
Why We Worry About Shark Attacks, Not Car Crashes
Our perceptions of risk don’t always match reality, being swayed by factors beyond logic and numbers. Visit Page
A Psychological Solution Prevents Rubbernecking
People just can’t seem to help themselves when it comes to gawking at accidents and car crashes. Rubbernecking—or slowing down to scope out an accident on the side of the road—is a major cause of Visit Page
Ambiguous Situations Make It Easier to Justify Ethical Transgressions
Two experiments show that people are apt to cheat in favor of their self-interest but only when the situation is ambiguous enough to provide moral cover. Visit Page
Does Video Game Driving Translate to Real-World Skills?
Evidence is mounting that playing video games may be one way for people to sharpen a number of cognitive skills. One recent study found that older adults could significantly improve their ability to multi-task after Visit Page
Want to Grab Drivers’ Attention? Use Road Signs Showing More Action
On average, car crashes kill an American pedestrian every 2 hours and injure one every 7 minutes, according to statistics from the CDC. A new study suggests changing road signs to depict more motion—a pedestrian Visit Page