Two Priming Effects to be Examined in APS Registered Replication Reports With Combined Protocol
APS announces two new Registered Replication Report (RRR) projects. Data for these two projects will be collected concurrently as part of a single protocol, and participating laboratories will be listed as authors on both reports.
Major Change in NIH Policy for Clinical Trials Applications
In a significant departure from current practices, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has issued new policies relating to grant applications involving clinical trials, including one mandating that all applications involving clinical trials must be
How Do Creative Ideas Get Heard?
Imagine you are an employee at a widget-making factory. Sitting at your desk one day, you have an epiphany: You’ve thought of a new way to create widgets that should increase production by threefold. But
Linehan Receives Grawemeyer Award for Psychology
APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Marsha M. Linehan, whose groundbreaking research has focused on developing interventions for teens at high risk for suicide, as well as support networks for their families and friends, has won
Psychological Science Explores the Minds of Dogs
Dogs are one of the most common household pets in the world, so it’s curious that we know relatively little about their cognitive abilities when we know so much about the abilities of other types
NIH-Wide Policy Doubles Down on Scientific Rigor and Reproducibility
One of the largest governmental funders of psychological science is stepping up its
focus on rigor and transparency in the research plans outlined in grant proposals.