How to Be a Better Runner
Scientific American: I ran a marathon, once upon a time. (If you could call what I did “running.” It took me nearly five hours—you do the math.) Still, I did it: laced up my New Visit Page
The Spiritual Life of the Long-Distance Runner
The New Yorker: Shortly after sunrise, on June 14, 2015, a Finnish man named Ashprihanal Aalto stood on Eighty-fourth Avenue, in Queens. At 6A.M., he began running around the block. He passed a playground, some Visit Page
Get Up, Stand Up! How to Get People to Quit Sitting
If you work a typical office job, you might be spending more than 10 hours a day sitting down. Across numerous studies, extensive sitting has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancer and even an Visit Page
Why eating late at night may be particularly bad for you and your diet
The Washington Post: Loath as you may be to admit it, chances are that at some point you have found yourself in the kitchen late at night, devouring some sweet, salty or carb-rich treat even Visit Page
Here’s the Best Way to Make Your Exercise Habit Stick
TIME: It’s not always easy to convince yourself to exercise after a long day of work. (Ok, it’s never easy.) But people who consistently manage to do it may be using a simple trick—whether they Visit Page
The Downside of Treadmill Desks
The New York Times: Treadmill desks are popular, even aspirational, in many offices today since they can help those of us who are deskbound move more, burn extra calories and generally improve our health. But Visit Page