Uncommon knowledge
Boston Globe: DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS may or may not supplement one’s health, but they can have at least one serious side effect: bad behavior. Researchers offered people either a multivitamin or a pill that they were
Les aliments gras remonteraient le moral, indépendamment de leur goût
RTL Belgium: Les chercheurs de l’Université de Leuven (Belgique) ont choisi 12 participants de poids normal et en bonne santé auxquels ils ont injecté des solutions concentrées en acides gras et des solutions de sérum
A Positive Attitude May Protect You from Heart Problems and Even Stroke
Seattle Post Intelligencer: It’s not far-fetched to think that optimistic people are not only happier but also healthier. Some scientists now believe that keeping a positive attitude may even reduce the risk of heart disease
Try These 9 Tricks! End Your Energy Shortage!
MSN Health & Fitness: You’ve always suspected that there’s more to the energy equation than getting 40 winks and eating three squares a day—and you’re absolutely right. How optimistic, motivated, or engaged you feel—not to
Can we change our moods with meditation?
Examiner: Can we change our moods through meditation? Yes, according to a recent study. In the late 1990s, Jane Anderson was working as a landscape architect. That meant she didn’t work much in the winter
Soccer: le secret des tirs de barrage
Metro Montreal: Au lendemain de la défaite des États-Unis contre le Japon en tirs de barrage dimanche en finale de la Coupe du monde de soccer féminin, il est de bon ton de se pencher