Food Craving Is Stronger, but Controllable, for Kids
Children show stronger food craving than adolescents and adults, but they are also able to use a cognitive strategy that reduces craving, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association
OCD Linked With Broad Impairments in Executive Function
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), characterized by intrusive and persistent thoughts that are often accompanied by repetitive or ritualized acts, is a serious clinical disorder that can significantly impact a person’s ability to function and go about
Sometimes, Early Birds Are Too Early
The New York Times: Since the advent of the deadline, procrastinators have suffered society’s barbs for putting off until later what needs doing now. But it turns out that many people appear to be finishing
It Might Be ‘Pre-Crastination’ That’s Hurting Your Productivity
Inc.: It would seem counter intuitive that the habit of attacking projects and to-do lists without a moment’s hesitation is anything but ulta-productive. Yet some researchers think that sometimes doing the opposite of procrastinating–or pre-crastinating–could cost you time
Per ottenere sollievo dallo stress decidiamo di “pre-crastinare” (To get relief from stress we decide to “pre-crastinate”)
La Stampa: Ogni nuovo compito o lavoro che ci viene affidato è causa di stress. Quasi tutti ne siamo soggetti, perché sentiamo crescere un’ansia dentro che ci vorrebbe far liberare di questo il prima possibile.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about latest research findings published in Clinical Psychological Science: Jenny Yiend, Charlotte Parnes, Kirsty Shepherd, Mary-Kate Roche, and Myra J. Cooper New research has suggested that negative self-beliefs play a role in eating disorder pathology