Personality Dynamics Through the Lens of Cognitive Science
With the goal of advancing a cognitive neuroscience of personality dynamics, leading researchers from the United States and Europe gathered in Trieste, Italy, on July 10, 2012, to present cutting-edge findings on the neural and Visit Page
The History of Decision Making
APS Fellow Gerd Gigerenzer is the Director at the Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany, where he investigates how humans and other animals make decisions and Visit Page
Science’s “most beautiful theories”
Reuters: From Darwinian evolution to the idea that personality is largely shaped by chance, the favorite theories of the world’s most eminent thinkers are as eclectic as science itself. Every January, John Brockman, the impresario Visit Page
Depression Defies the Rush to Find an Evolutionary Upside
The New York Times: In certain quarters of academia, it’s all the rage these days to view human behavior through the lens of evolutionary biology. What survival advantages, researchers ask, may lie hidden in our Visit Page
Pria Sering Keliru Membaca Isyarat Seksual Wanita
metrotvnews: Pria ternyata sering mengalami kesulitan untuk bisa secara tepat membaca minat wanita terhadap dirinya, ungkap penelitian terbaru. Tipe pria tertentu cenderung berpikir semua wanita menginginkan dirinya sedangkan pria lain tak mampu melihat isyarat wanita Visit Page
Männer überschätzen ihre Anziehungskraft
Sueddeutsche Zeitung: Die Geschichte von Mann und Frau ist eine Geschichte voller Missverständnisse und Fehlinterpretationen. Einen möglichen Grund für die Kommunikationspannen zwischen den Geschlechter gibt nun eine neue Studie der US-Psychologin Carin Perilloux: Demnach neigen Visit Page