The Psychology Behind Our Collective Ebola Freak-Out
Time: In Hazlehurst, Miss., parentspulled their children out of middle school last week after learning that the principal had recently visited southern Africa. At Syracuse University, a Pulitzer Prize–winning photojournalist who had planned to speak about Visit Page
See Jane Evolve: Picture Books Explain Darwin
The Wall Street Journal: Evolution by natural selection is one of the best ideas in all of science. It predicts and explains an incredibly wide range of biological facts. But only 60% of Americans believe Visit Page
Moving Beyond “Just-So Stories”: Young Children Can Be Taught Basic Natural Selection
Spend more than a few hours with a child under the age of 10 and “why?” is a question you’re likely to hear a lot. Children are naturally curious explorers, and they actively try to Visit Page
Illustrated Story Teaches Young Kids Natural Selection
Scientific American: Once upon a time, there was an animal called a pilosa that caught insects with its trunk. Some pilosas had wide trunks. Others had skinny trunks. When habitat changes caused their dinners to Visit Page
Evolution Is Coming To A Storybook Near You
NPR: Young children are notorious for their surfeit of why questions, often directed at aspects of the biological world. Take a three-year-old to the zoo, for example, and you might be asked to explain why Visit Page
Standing Up for Science in the Community
Your November cover article, Inconvenient Truth Tellers, made me think of a very common form of denial in the practice of and education in clinical psychology. I work in a department that engages the community. Visit Page