New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on risk for developing aggressive behavior, cultural evolution, adolescent depression, inequality among adolescents, memory and statistical learning, and how digital technologies impact emotions.
Just Not That Into You: How and Why Men and Women Misperceive Sexual Interest
People tend to project their own level of interest onto prospective partners. This reality seems to explain why men and women misperceive a partner’s sexual interest.
Just Not That Into You: How and Why Men and Women Misperceive Sexual Interest
People tend to project their own level of interest onto prospective partners. This reality seems to explain why men and women misperceive a partner’s sexual interest.
Adapting Into the Future
Humans’ unique cognitive abilities emerged from a cycle of interactions between brain, culture, and environment, says Atsushi Iriki.
Why Grandmothers May Hold The Key To Human Evolution
A hunter with bow and arrow, in a steamy sub-Saharan savanna, stalks a big, exotic animal. After killing and butchering it, he and his hunt-mates bring it back to their families and celebrate. This enduring
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring political preferences and self-concept, joint action in marmoset monkeys, serial processing in word recognition, and cognitive processing of asymmetric mixtures.