ARPA-E New Funding Opportunity Announcement
ARPA-E has released a Funding Opportunity Announcement for its newest program, Traveler Response Architecture using Novel Signaling for Network Efficiency in Transportation (TRANSNET). The program aims to optimize energy efficiency in multimodal, urban transportation networks (e.g.
Your Personality Might Not be Suitable for Telework
The ferocious US winter of 2014 has undoubtedly demonstrated the economic viability of telework. In many parts of the country, home broadband connections, VPNs, and cloud-based applications allowed numerous workers to continue working when heavy
Time to Write? Go Outside
The New York Times: Fall promises crisp days with ample sunlight, a lifting of the humidity and ideal temperatures for being outdoors. This also means my writing will be getting better. Nothing coaxes jumbled thoughts
Buzz on Energy Drinks: No Better Than Caffeine
LiveScience: Despite the “special blend” of ingredients, energy drinks work no better than ordinary caffeine at helping us pay attention, a new study suggests. In the study, researchers examined participants’ brain activity while they performed
Nothing worse than office peppiness
Chicago Tribune: Every office has a person who has taken a few too many drags on the pep pipe. A manager or co-worker whose sunny disposition can cloud an otherwise delightfully pessimistic day. I’m talking
L’ozio rende tristi (Idleness saddened)
La Stampa: Chissà cosa direbbe Bertrand Russell, l’autore della raccolta di saggi intitolata “Elogio dell’ozio” sapendo che chi si trastulla nel dolce far nulla in realtà è più triste di chi invece s’impegna in una