Daniel Kahneman: How Companies Can Improve Their Hiring Process
As a young lieutenant, Daniel Kahneman was asked to improve the Israeli army’s haphazard process of assessing capabilities among combat-eligible recruits. Armed with a psychology degree and infantry experience, he brashly made up some criteria Visit Page
A Step Toward Leveling the Professional Playing Field for Women
A psychological study suggests a potential way to minimize the impact that gender bias can have on women’s career advancement. Visit Page
Recruiters Change Interview Questions Based on Applicant’s Ethnicity, Researchers Find
Professional recruiters drew up more questions about culture and group compatibility when they prepared to interview applicants with Arabic-sounding names Visit Page
Does Keeping Salaries Secret Hurt Team Performance?
New research suggests that keeping salaries secret can stifle employee motivation and performance. Visit Page
Leading While Female: Prepare for Backlash
Women leaders who show dominance may face backlash — but data suggest that implicit forms of dominance, such as body language or facial expressions, may not harm women’s status. Visit Page
Hebl Wins Top Teaching Award
APS Board Member Michelle “Mikki” Hebl of Rice University is the winner of this year’s Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching. Presented by Baylor University, the “Cherry Award” honors the finest university teachers in Visit Page