When Caregivers Care Too Much: Emotional Empathy as a Mental Health Risk Factor
When a person receiving care has dementia, the caregiver is much more likely to experience depression or anxiety, especially if they have high levels of emotional empathy.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on the development of liking gaps, memory for similar events, personality traits and health, empathy bias, context and risky choice, forecasting of relationship support, gender stereotypes of sexual behavior, and happiness and social interactions.
Five Things Worth Knowing About Empathy
A tortoise lies on its back, legs waving in distress, until a second tortoise crawls up to turn it over. Millions have watched this scene on YouTube, with many leaving heartfelt comments. “Great sense of solidarity,”
Exploring The Intersection Of Empathy And Leadership
What makes a good leader? Is it an ability to make difficult decisions that others can’t or don’t want to? Is it being able to relate to the needs and desires of your employees/followers/subordinates so
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on how trust may increase exposure to infection, wisdom of the crowd, aging and memory for distractors, social distancing motivated by empathy, using fake-news to enhance memory for facts, children’s cognitive reflection and understanding of science, and choice-induced preference in infancy.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on economic behavior, motivation interventions in education, perception, neural representations of procedural knowledge, empathy and romantic relationships, and stereotype-threat in chess.