Empathy is on the Rise in Young People
It doesn’t often feel as if we’re living in empathetic times. … That increase in empathy can be undermined by our cynicism toward each other, according to Jamil Zaki, a professor of psychology at Stanford
How an Aging Population is Affecting Caregivers
In this May 15 webinar, three psychological researchers shared some of the latest research on the relationship between elderly patients and their caregivers, caregiver burnout, and the factors contributing to caregiver turnover at elder care facilities.
Compassion is making a comeback in America
Think back to the United States as it was a year ago, a decade ago, a generation ago. Is the US a more caring or less caring nation now than it was back then? If
I Was Trying to Build My Son’s Resilience, Not Scar Him for Life
… Resilience is a popular term in modern psychology that, put simply, refers to the ability to recover and move on from adverse events, failure or change. “We don’t call it ‘character’ anymore,” said Jelena Kecmanovic, director
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on shared depressive symptoms in close relationships, correlates of interrupted and aborted suicide attempts among U.S. active duty service members, maximizing rationality with post-justificationist knowledge, and much more.
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on the role of phenomenological control in experience, the positive impact of social connectedness, contextualizing empathy, and much more.