Rats Regret Their Decisions, Study Finds
PBS: We bemoan our decisions when we get a bad deal or miss out. New research published in the journal Nature Neuroscience this week finds that regret may not be just a human emotion. It turns out rats
Rats Shown to Feel Regret Over Bad Decisions
BBC: It is the first time regret has been identified in mammals other than humans. Researchers created situations where rats had to choose whether to wait a set amount of time for a food reward
Signs That Make Us Blue, But Safe
You approach an intersection just as the traffic light is turning yellow. Your decision to either barrel through or hit the brake may hinge on the last billboard you saw. On any car trip, visual
Look Angry If You Want People to Give In
Discovery News: Remember the middle-school taunt: “Is that a threat … or a promise?” If you want to get the most out of a threat in the adult world, don’t let there be any question
Want a Better Deal? Put on Your ‘Angry Face’
TODAY: Skip the poker face. If you’re hoping to get a good deal on a car, or get people to do what you want, you should put on your best angry expression, a new study
What’s In A Grunt — Or A Sigh, Or A Sob? Depends On Where You Hear It
NPR: And I’m Robert Siegel. Hear a laugh, you know someone’s happy. Hear a sob, you know someone is sad. Or are they? It’s been thought that no matter where you live in the world