What Superfans Know That the Rest of Us Should Learn
… After all, so many of us lack community. Data from Cigna finds 58% of Americans are lonely. Religion is fading. Work doesn’t love us back. Maybe letting ourselves be obsessed with that highly specific and possibly weird thing we love
Empathy is on the Rise in Young People
It doesn’t often feel as if we’re living in empathetic times. … That increase in empathy can be undermined by our cynicism toward each other, according to Jamil Zaki, a professor of psychology at Stanford
How ‘Inside Out’ and Its Sequel Changed Therapy
Mental health professionals and educators say the movies are remarkably helpful in providing a common language they can use with children and parents. … But soon after the idea was born, Docter was stymied, he
The Boredom Scroll on Socials May Be Making Your Problem Worse
Puppies, dancing babies, celebrity soundbites: A common go-to salve for a bout of boredom is to swipe through videos on your social media platform of choice. But that habit is likely making your problem even
The Crybaby Olympics
Sports have always had sore losers. But based on this year’s Games, athletes seem to be getting worse at losing well. … It’s not just in our head. In a 2017 survey of referees in
Do You Really Store Stress in Your Body?
If you get enough back aches, someone will eventually tell you that’s where your body stores stress. If your stomach hurts, you’ll hear the same thing: Your emotions are trapped in your belly. But what