Why 500,000 COVID-19 Deaths May Not Feel Any Different
Why is it so hard to feel the difference between 400,000 and 500,000 COVID-19 deaths—and how might that impact our decision making during the pandemic? Psychologist Paul Slovic explains the concept of psychic numbing and how humans
‘Right Now Feels So Long and Without Any End in Sight’
Those thoughts, typed into a digital journal on May 30, could stand as an anthem for this tragic pandemic year, a cry recognized around the world without explanation or context. Yet there is plenty of
Even I Have to Admit That Being Positive is Good For Your Health
I have often admitted here that I’m a pessimist by nature, but even I have to agree that the health evidence in favour of taking a positive view of life is impressive. The most recent
Five Things Worth Knowing About Empathy
A tortoise lies on its back, legs waving in distress, until a second tortoise crawls up to turn it over. Millions have watched this scene on YouTube, with many leaving heartfelt comments. “Great sense of solidarity,”
A Smile at a Wedding and a Cheer at a Soccer Game Are Alike the World Over
In the 19th century, French clinician Guillaume-Benjamin-Amand Duchenne posited that humans universally use their facial muscles to make at least 60 discrete expressions, each reflecting one of 60 specific emotions. Charles Darwin, who greeted that
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on collective narcissism, narcissism and intelligence, memory coherence and PTSD, responses to others’ scents, attention control, and motivations to ignore feedback.