What’s Your Biggest Regret?
The New York Times: We all have regrets, but new research suggests the most common regret among American adults involves a lost romantic opportunity. Researchers at Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A New Tool for Creative Thinking: Mind-Body Dissonance
Scientific American: Did you ever get the giggles during a religious service or some other serious occasion? Did you ever have to smile politely when you felt like screaming? In these situations, the emotions that
Emotions by the roomful
I have a friend who sucks the air out of the room whenever he comes around. He is so blustery and self-absorbed that people don’t interact with him; they capitulate. I also have friends who
People More Likely to Act Morally Than They Imagine
U.S. News & World Report (HealthDay): People are more likely to act morally than they would predict, a new study finds. Researchers gave a 15-question math test to two groups of volunteers. A $5 reward
On the Newsstand
Why Do Some People Ignore Evacuation Orders? Los Angeles Times, September 5, 2009 The recent wildfires and ensuing evacuation orders raise the touchy question of why some people refuse to leave their homes and risk
Talk Therapy May Help Treat Social Anxiety
WebMD: A 12-week course of talk therapy, when used to treat social anxiety disorder, produces changes in the electrical activity of the brain, according to new research. The findings appear in Psychological Science. Symptoms of