Is It Hot Outside? You Might Be More Likely to Believe in Global Warming
TIME: A study recently published in Psychological Science suggests that daily weather dictates climate change opinion, indicating that “irrelevant environmental information, such as the current weather, can affect judgments.” Researchers from the Columbia University Center
The dark side of happiness
Irish Medical Times: I knew it all along. Happiness kills. A study of traits in children which may lead to longer or shorter lives is quite conclusive in its findings: happy, cheerful youngsters are doomed
Monkeys Might Be More Logical Than We Think
You see a big cat nursing a kitten, and you assume Cat A is Cat B’s mother. Then you see a bird dropping worms in a smaller bird’s mouth. Different content, different context, but same
Plan Your Way to Less Stress, More Happiness
TIME: A recent survey by psychologist and self-help author Robert Epstein found that 25% of our happiness hinges on how well we’re able to manage stress. The next logical question is, of course, how best
Researchers say math anxiety starts young
The Washington Post: Math problems make more than a few students — and even teachers — sweat, but new brain research is providing insights into the earliest causes of the anxiety so often associated with
Mind Reading: Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen on Empathy and the Science of Evil
TIME: Cambridge psychology professor and leading autism expert Simon Baron-Cohen is best known for studying the theory that a key problem in autistic disorders is “mind blindness,” difficulty understanding the thoughts, feelings and intentions of