Sorg og smerte er individuell
Aftenbladet Norway: KOMMENTAR: Samtidig er det noen av oss som er rammet med en individuell smerte og individuelle tap av sine aller nærmeste. Vi andre kan være der og bidra med vår nærhet og vårt
Bipolar Disorder: The Drawbacks of Excessive Positive Emotion
The Epoch Times: Too much positive emotion in the wrong context can act negatively on people’s health, according to a new article in the August edition of Current Directions in Psychological Science journal. Bipolar disorder
The Saddest Movie in the World
Smithsonian.com: In 1979, director Franco Zeffirelli remade a 1931 Oscar-winning film called The Champ, about a washed-up boxer trying to mount a comeback in the ring. Zeffirelli’s version got tepid reviews. The Rotten Tomatoes website
Can we change our moods with meditation?
Examiner: Can we change our moods through meditation? Yes, according to a recent study. In the late 1990s, Jane Anderson was working as a landscape architect. That meant she didn’t work much in the winter
Soccer: le secret des tirs de barrage
Metro Montreal: Au lendemain de la défaite des États-Unis contre le Japon en tirs de barrage dimanche en finale de la Coupe du monde de soccer féminin, il est de bon ton de se pencher
Time and Numbers Mix Together in the Brain
Clocks tell time in numbers—and so do our minds, according to a new study which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. In two